Basic Radiation Safety Refresher Training


Description / Purpose:

This training is refresher training for people that have already completed the initial NMSU Basic Radiation Safety Training class or an NMSU RSO approved equivalent class.  Currently, annual radiation safety refresher training is mandated under the NMSU Radiation Safety Program for workers authorized to handle unencapsulated radioactive material under a “R”-Type URSC radiation use permit.  The training consists of the completion of an exam covering basic radiation safety topics using a variety of open-book resources including the NMSU Radiation Safety Manual.  Topics on the exam may include among other topics:

  • NMSU Radiation Safety Program Organization
  • URSC Permits and Authorization to Use Radioactive Material or Radiation Producing Devices
  • Worker Safety Training Requirements
  • Natural & Artificial Sources of Radioactivity
  • Radiation Terms & Processes
  • Biological Effects of Radiation Exposure
  • Principles Of ALARA
  • Radiation Exposure & Radioactive Contamination Control
  • Security of Radioactive Sources
  • External & Internal Dosimetry
  • Basic Radiation Dose and Contamination Surveys
  • Radiation Detection Instrumentation
  • Radiation Emergencies and Spill Response
  • Radioactive Material Shipping & Receiving
  • Radioactive Waste Management

To register and take the exam, click the link below:

Basic Radiation Safety Refresher Exam