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NMSU 2024 OSHA 300A - Injury & Illness Summary
Environmental Health, Safety & Risk Management has released the annual summary of employee injuries and illnesses for 2024. The OSHA Form 300A provides a breakdown of recordable cases for NMSU employees categorized by:
- Cases with days away from work
- Cases with restricted duty
- Other recordable cases (e.g., prescribed medication or stitches)
At NMSU, safety remains a top priority. Our 2024 OSHA injury and illness report highlights our commitment to workplace safety. Since 2019 (pre-COVID), NMSU has successfully reduced annual recordable cases from 84 to 49, marking a 42% decrease.
Despite a 2% increase in employees in 2024, there was a 22% rise in employee injuries. This data underscores the ongoing need for vigilance and proactive safety measures to ensure the well-being of our workforce.
OSHA Form 300A Posting Requirement
Environmental Health, Safety & Risk Management reminds all NMSU employment units of the annual OSHA Form 300A summary. New Mexico law requires this summary to be posted from February 1 through April 30.
All NMSU units - including PSL, NMDA, CEMRC, NMSU Community Colleges, ASC facilities, and others - must ensure employees have access to this infomration by:
- Posting the OSHA 300A log on a central employee bulletin board
- Forwarding the link to the entire department staff.
A printable PDF version is available - simply click the OSHA log image to the right to download.
For teleworking departments, please distribute the OSHA 300A summary via email to ensure all employees have access.
Workplace Safety Update: 2024 Injury Trends
NMSU saw a 22% increase in recordable injuries from 2023, reflecting the continued return of our workforce to campus and ongoing campus maintenance and improvement efforts. Notably, 30% of reported injuries were related to maintenance work.
This serves as an important reminder to stay vigilant, follow safety protocols, and apply your training to prevent workplace injuries.
Over the past 20 years, NMSU has maintained a positive trend in reducing overall injuries, thanks to ongoing safety training and the collective commitment of our employees. The continued dedication to workplace safety ensures that everyone goes home safely at the end each day.

OSHA Severity Rate Update
The OSHA severity rate helps standardize injury data, allowing for accurate year-over-year comparisons regardless of workforce size. This rate is calculated by considering the total number of lost workdays and total hours worked each year, providing an average of lost days per recordable incident. By using lost days as a measure of severity, this metric reflects the overall impact of workplace injuries and illnesses.
In 2024, despite a slight increase in total cases, we succesfully reduced lost workdays by 11%, leading to a decrease in the severity rate from 8.17 to 7.06. This improvement indicates fewer severe injuries, with more employees returning to work either on restricted duty or without lost time. In fact, restricted workdays increased by 25%, highlighting our ability to reintegrate employees safely during recovery.
Compared to pre-pandemic levels in 2019, we have achieved a 60% reduction in the severity rate - a remarkable accomplishment. This progress reflects the dedication of everyone at NMSU to maintaining a safe and healthy work environment. Thank you for your commitment to safety!

Reminder: Report Workplace Injuries & Illnesses
Employees are encouraged to report any work-related injuries or illnesses to their supervisor as soon as possible. Supervisors play a key role in workplace safety by completing the Supervisor Accident Investigation Report following an incident.
This report helps both Supervisors and EHS&RM investigate the incident throughly, identify the root cause, and implement preventive actions to reduce the risk of similar incidents in the future. By working together, we can create a safer workplace for everyone!
If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out to EHS&RM. Stay safe!