NMSU Rule on the Use of Volatile Compounds

NMSU Rule on the Use of Volatile Compounds – Indoor Use

Any use of hazardous materials inside buildings must be controlled to ensure that the exposures are below permissible exposure limits (PELs). Except in specially vented areas (e.g. laboratories hoods), products containing (or emitting) volatile compounds or toxic fumes are restricted to:

  • Use in an unoccupied building or in an occupied building with additional ventilation.
  • Use by trained employees using respiratory or other appropriate protection.

Hazards must be determined in advance and potentially exposed employees must be trained on the specific hazards. Employees using respirators must have annual medical review, training and fit testing. For additional information on obtaining a respirator, please go to our web-page on Respiratory Safety. For product hazard review, training, air monitoring or consultation, please contact Environmental Health Safety & Risk Management at (575) 646-3327.

NMSU Rule on the Use of Volatile Compounds – Pesticide Use

All pest control measures by NMSU employees or contractors shall adhere to the following:

  • Minimize internal application by utilizing external management strategy or integrated pest management practices.
  • Internal spraying must not expose employees to hazardous vapors:
    • Large area applications are to be conducted after hours when building is not occupied.
    • Limited “spot” applications may be performed but personnel should leave the immediate area during application.  Otherwise personal protective equipment (respirators, gloves, and/or tyveks) must be used as required on label.
  • Per Hazard Communication Standard, building occupants have the right to be informed of pesticide use in their work area.
    • Safety Data Sheets and label for each pesticide used must be readily available.
    • The schedule for application must be communicated effectively (usually through the building monitor).
    • Employees must be informed of the type of application and unprotected employees should be instructed to leave the affected area during spray applications.
  • Only food safe pesticides will be used inside buildings that house employees or food stuffs.
  • Pesticide residues will not be left on working surfaces (desks, tables, benches).
  • Only licensed applicators will select and apply pesticides according to approved methods and label requirements.

For any additional information, please contact Environmental Health Safety & Risk Management at (575) 646-3327.