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UAS Purchase Requirements

Purchasing a UAS unit must follow NMSU purchasing standards as defined by ARP 16.75 and the NMSU Business Procedures Manual. Key points to understand for purchase:

  1. Purchase of an UAS will require Department Head approval signature. Please use the following form for purchase and obtain department head approval.
  2. Purchasing a unit to complete a Grant, Fellowship, or Government Contract will require the purchaser to verify that the unit meets the requirements of the grant, fellowship or contract and not on a governmental blacklist.
  3. Individuals building UAS for research and development purposes must also verify that components being purchased are not listed on the governmental blacklist.
  4. Personally, owned units should not be used in NMSU operations. If special consideration is needed, please contact EHS&RM.

Once a device has been purchased, please proceed to UAS Device Registration and Insurance Requirements page for guidance on next steps to ready the UAS unit for flight operations. Please refer to Pilot Requirements page for guidance to become a pilot to fly a UAS.